These course series are the contents of Dr. LA Man’s lectures over about 10 years. Dr. LA Man is a distinguished professor of the Department of Computer Science at California State University, the president of the Chinese American Information Technology Association, the former director of the Chinese American Professors and Scholars Association, and a strategic partner of Microsoft and Amazon Cloud Computing and Big Data. He has served as a judge for the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF) for many times. He has been engaged in the IT industry for more than 30 years and has worked in US government departments, universities, Fortune 100 companies, and small or medium-sized companies for many years and has accumulated rich work experience. He has been active in the IT industry in Southern California for many years, especially in the fields of business intelligence, cloud computing, and big data. He has rich experience in technical guidance and IT training. He has given lectures to the senior training groups in the United States from the Economic and Information Commission, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Education many times, introducing the progress of cloud computing, big data, the Internet of Things, blockchain, e-commerce, etc. in the United States and developed countries.
All courses have about 3 hours or more in lengths. All courses are in PPT format (in Chinese) and downloadable. No audio or video files are included. No transferable of ownership. Prices are $2000 for all courses payable in credit cards or PayPal.
本课程系列为洛杉矶智能博士多年的讲课内容。洛杉矶智能博士曾为美国加州州立大学计算机系特聘教授, 美国华人信息科技协会会长, 美国华裔教授学者协会前理事, 美国微软及亚马逊云计算大数据战略合作伙伴, 曾多次作为美国英特尔国际科学与工程大奖赛(Intel ISEF)评委。 从事IT行业30多年,曾在美国政府部门、大学、一百强公司、中小型公司打拼多年并积累了丰富的工作经验。他多年活跃在美国南加州地区的IT界,尤其是商业智能,云计算,大数据领域。对技术指导,IT培训有丰富的经验。曾多次为国内经信委, 发改委和教育部的旅美高级研修团讲课,介绍美国及发达国家的云计算,大数据,物联网,区块链,电子商务等进展。
所有课程时长约 3 小时或以上。所有课程均为 PPT 格式(中文),可下载。不包含音频或视频文件。
课程总价格为 $2000 (美元),可使用信用卡或 PayPal 支付。或按照目前的人民币美元·兑换率,可用支付宝或微信支付。请联系客服。